adnova Detective - 360° Competitor Creative Strategy Report in One Click
Uncover your competitors' Creative strategy on one click
Dominate the market by analyzing and implementing what works for them.

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Trusted by 500+ brands and agencies


Your ad process is a
mess right now

Mess Ad process
Effortlessly Collect Competitor Ads
  • Auto Save ads from Facebook & Instagram
    Auto-save ads from Facebook Ads Library with a single click.
  • 360 Analytics on Competitors Strategy
    Get 360 insights on any brand on facebook.
  • Weekly Reports
    Get weekly reports on what strategies they deploy.
Understand Ad Trends at a Glance
  • Data visualization
    Data visualization of the most used terms in ad copy and most used CTAs
  • Track ads over time
    Know when, how much, and what ads your competitors are publishing weekly or monthly.
  • Media Mix breakdown
    Distribution of Videos, Images & Carousels in your competitor's ad account.
Sneak Peak into your competitors audience
  • Leverage Europe Ads transparency
    Get actionable insights on location age & gender.
  • Understand Audience
    Understand your competitor's audience better with demographic insights.
  • Get more insights on reach
    Impressions breakdown based on country, age group and gender.

Discover. Analyse.
Create. Iterate

The top creative and performance teams prefer adnova to Make their winning creatives at scale and increase their revenue

adnova is a game-changer for our agency. Unlimited workspaces, in-depth analytics, and built-in annotation tools empower our team to collaborate seamlessly and create winning ads for clients. It's a must-have for agency!

Bryan Ribao

Bryan Ribao


Stay Ahead of the Curve with
adnova Detective

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